Integrating grief into your life
1. Completely avoiding your grief and carrying on as if nothing has happened.
2. Allowing yourself to be totally encompassed by your grief.
The place you are aiming for is the mid way between the two.Giving your gief the space and attention that it requires.So then when grief comes knocking at your door lean towatds it,let it in,befriend it as it is part of you and it is a great teacher.
Feel your feelings,let them move through you,and over time they will become more manageable and less intense.
Grief needs expression,it needs a voice and it needs to be nutured.
So give it the space and love it needs when necessary and then you can carry on with your life at the same time.This is the way you integrate your grief into the rest of your life moving forward.
Making a decision to do this work is transformative.